Sunday, February 13, 2011

Couples Getting Back Together - How To Get Your Ex Back

If you are going through a break up and want to know how to get your ex back, this article should help.  The first thing you should do is give your ex some space.  I know this is difficult, but you have to do this in order to have any chance at getting back together.  You both need time to reflect and evaluate what you need in a relationship.  Resist the urge to call or visit your ex.  Do not begin dating every girl/guy in town.  Do not beg to be taken back.  These actions will only push your ex away.

Instead, take this time to think about the things that first attracted your ex to you.  What is it that has changed?  Can you attribute the change to something transitional that is going on in your life, such as a project at work or family situation?  If so, you may be able to take steps to get past these issues and repair your relationship.  But in order to do this, you need to stay on speaking terms with your ex.  A good way to do this is to send a short letter in the mail saying that you understand the decision and respect his/her feelings, and that you are taking some time to think about what went wrong so you can learn from it.  Also tell your ex that you hope to someday be friends.

Then after some time has passed, you can slowly initiate contact again.  Make sure to keep things positive.  Behave the way you did when you first met.  Be spontaneous and fun.  When something comes up in conversation that brings up good memories, you should share those thoughts to remind your ex of your good times together.  Talk about some of the things in your life that caused the relationship to change and how they have been resolved (hopefully).  This will show your ex that you have taken steps to remove the barriers that hurt the relationship in the first place.  This will open the door to getting back together again.  You don't need to mention getting back together.  Chances are, when your ex is ready, he/she will bring it up.  Continue to nurture this new relationship with your ex and you will be on your way to getting your ex back.

Although most relationships can be saved, many breakups become permanent because people don't know the right steps to take to repair a relationship. This is a shame because there are resources out there that can help. To get some more help getting your ex back, take a look at this Couples Getting Back Together video below. It is a great resource that has more techniques for getting your ex back: